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Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile

EVENTI - Sito tematico ENEA



The overarching concept of PHOTORAMA PHOtovoltaic waste management – advanced Technologies for recOvery & recycling of secondary RAw MAterials from end-of-life modules is to develop and demonstrate new ecosystems of innovation leading to successful and competitive solutions to launch sustainable markets for secondary Raw Materials (RM) in Europe. The PV value chain is at the heart of PHOTORAMA to secure both clean and efficient energy and sustainable access to RM (Raw Materials) in Europe. We envision a circular industry that will bridge and connect sectors from the collection to the production of secondary RM. The global and systemic vision takes on their reintroduction to RM industries as new materials or new products by bringing together cross-sectoral value chains. For this purpose, PHOTORAMA will set up a full management Pilot Line including all needed interrelated successive steps: Auto disassembly, smart separation, and innovative recovery of metals from solar cells (Si, Ag, In, Ga). To close the loop, all fractions of PV EoL components will be either directly recovered as energy fuel, re-used, or recycled as RM feedstock to build new PV panels or other new products. The core strategy is to draw up a global recycling scheme considering carefully economic, environmental, and social (awareness) dimensions.

PHOTORAMA will demonstrate how the recycling of PV devices such as WEEE can contribute to developing EU circular models for RM by meeting the challenge of PV waste taking into account the applicable EU environmental legislation. The recovery of high-purity ([98-99.99]%) valuable (Ag) and critical (Si, In, Ga) Raw Materials (RM) will increase the global revenue. This will demonstrate new opportunities of innovation to re-insert them in PV industry or new market applications (e.g. spin-off products) making the emerging PV recycling sector a crucial player of the broader circular economy for RM. ENEA is Eco-design task leader and Dissemination Task leader. 

The PHOTORAMA Meeting M30 is organized by ENEA and will take place in Rome (Italy) on 21st and 22nd November 2023.

Caratteristiche dell'evento

Inizio evento 21-11-2023 08:00
Termine evento 22-11-2023 16:30
Riferimenti organizzativi

Luogo Sede legale ENEA - Roma